Cascade is a commercial office space in the North Shore of Pittsburgh, PA. After Burns Scalo Real Estate purchased this property, they renamed it and requested that I develop a new visual identity that reflected their vision for the lifestyle and experience the building would provide to tenants, as well as how it fits into their portfolio of existing properties.

Color Palette
I based the logo for The Cascade on a combination of interior design elements that the agency had planned for remodeling as well as cascading water features in the property’s outdoor plaza. I also created an animated version of the logo that was designed to give the mark a water-like, fluid ascent into view.
The marketing strategy for the building planned to feature access to nature and fresh air, proximity to the waterfront, and general wellness of employees in the workplace. This led me to choose a soothing monochromatic color palette featuring shades of blue, and soft, rounded corners on the logo’s water drop-like shapes.