Yuyi Grows


Yuyi Grows is a nursery that specializes in rare and unusual tropical plants with a specialty in carnivorous plants. I created their logo and branding, website, and collaborated with them on a product line of shirts, decals, and mailing packages for delivery.

Timeline: April 2021 – Present
Role: Branding + UI/UX Consultant
Client: Yuyi Grows

background pattern

Color Palette

Black #000000
Gray #808080


Abril Display / Poppins fonts


The Yuyi Grows brand is named after a mermaid named Yuyi (a character developed by Lady Gaga). The client requested that the mermaid be included in the logo, holding a nepenthes plant, with big beautiful hair. This logo has generated a lot of strong opinions from view. Many people dismiss the logo and ask why it’s a mermaid—my response is, “Why is Starbucks’ logo a mermaid?” A mascot is always an acceptable logo—just ask Toucan Sam or Chester Cheetah. Plus, a strong emotional response is exactly what my client and I wanted!

E-Commerce UI/UX + Website Management

With an increasing demand for Yuyi Grows to launch a website for online sales, we knew at the start of the branding project that an e-commerce website was in the pipeline. I began designing the website in the spring of 2022 and it was launched just a few months later in June. The website features an online marketplace, grow guides (we recognized high demand for care tips at the plant shows), and a blog where the owner can share his journey with his audience.

Development was completed by my agency, Full Circle Design.


• Streamlined and automated online sales—moved sales process from Instagram messenger to the website.
• Increased sales by 15%.
• Fulfilled customer demand for grow guides.


Adobe XD, WordPress, WooCommerce, Atom, GitHub, Local, Flywheel

Merchandise Line

In addition to branded t-shirts and decals, I worked with Yuyi Grows to design a line a apparel with illustrations of carnivorous plants including nepenthes, pinguiculas, and heliamphoras to sell on their website and in-person at plant shows. This required creation vector artwork that would be sent to the screen printer for production. The color palette was chosen in accordance to production costs, client budget, and research into what potential customers would be willing to pay and the client’s desired profit margin.


Adobe Illustrator


I’ve done numerous photo sessions at the Yuyi Grows greenhouse. Above are three photos from a night-time, long exposure session in January of 2022.


Canon Rebel T6i / Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop

Work With Zane


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